Catching up

This week has crept by for me but I'm glad because I have had a lot to do and it looks like I'm going to be ending in a good place.  I've not felt terribly productive but as I look back on each day it seems I've gotten enough done and that things are moving forward.

The bisque kiln is filling up.  I have 10-12 more pots to decorate today and then I think I'll go ahead and fire it up.  I've made a bunch of cookie cutter ornaments for Christmas this year.  I'll give some as gifts and the rest will go to some hometown type shows and gift shops that I'm doing.

Sarah and I have been sleeping in all week. I don't think we've gotten up before 8am on any given day.  I guess it's the oncoming winter and cooler temps.  I do feel like I need to be rising earlier, but I'm not going to beat myself up about it right now.

Loupie is all snuggled into the cat bed this morning.

Karma would rather be playing ball than watching me write this blog post.

Scott Garrett is an illustrator and budding potter in East Sussex, England.  He sent me these two prints a while back and I finally got them matted and framed.  I really dig Scott's style and humor.  You can visit his blog HERE and Online Shop HERE.

Dead Ends by Scott Garrett

Fred by Scott Garrett

I found these two older pots in a box at the Arts Council.  It's neat to look back and see where I have been.

I'll be updating my Events page later and hopefully sending out an email Newsletter on Monday (so sign up to be on the mailing list if you haven't yet.  Over in the right sidebar)

I've been adding pots to the Online shop too.  Click HERE to go over and see what's there.  Thanks!!