Getting Ready for the Weekend

Okay so here's what's up. Getting ready for my Spring Sale.  This Saturday 10 till 4. Sunday Noon till 4.  I unloaded a glaze kiln yesterday and started glazing another load today.

I tried my hand at some slip trailed dishes. Here's a different shot of them.  I've made several plates for Sarah over the years.  I thought it would be fun for her to have a trailed on so you can see the one I made for her on the left in the pic below.

I dusted the shelves in the showroom today and started some general cleanup in the studio.  I'll get the piles of pots organized tomorrow and the last of the glazing done too.  I should have 20 or so pots coming out of the kiln late on Friday to add to everything.  I'll get a video up at some point.

Okay, all for now.  Time for supper.