Friday Update

I shot some photos for the Etsy shop today.  Hopefully get them listed over the weekend.


 I guess I shot about 15 in all.  That's 5 shots for each pot so about 75 photos.  I can do it all pretty quickly now.  I've been setting up out in the shed and shooting w. natural light.  It seems to be working much better than when I was inside using bulbs.

I don't think I've mentioned it on here but we have been getting some work done in the house.  We are adding a full bath and guest room.

The space was existing but was not being put to good use.  So we have broken down and hired my brother in law, who is a carpentar, to do the work.  It's going to be nice, but it's costing quite a bit more than I expected.  So long new camper top for the truck and my new craft show booth construction has been halted in mid stream (I haven't mentioned that I was doing that either).  It will be nice for us to have a place for guests when they come to visit.  We have sort of an open concept type layout here, not your typical 3 bedroom style house.  

Sarah is branching out in her job. She is a psychotherapist.  She is going to start taking clients in Charlotte one day a week.  It's pretty exciting for her.  She's really great at what she does.  Over the weekend she put together her website.  Click HERE to check it out.  Of course I helped.  :-)

Have a good weekend everyone.