
Shame, shame

I made some cookie cutter Christmas tree ornaments this year.  I know to many people this is no big deal and all well and fine.  But to some in the clay community it's a bit of heresy.

Honestly I made these and didn't intend to advertise them much.  But I put them in my Etsy shop and posted on Facebook.  Soon after the FB post I got  messages saying I'd gone over to the dark side and that my Mingei card had been revoked.  Ha! Of course I know the folks writing these comments and I didn't take them personally.

Some of you may be asking,  What's the big deal about a few ornaments?  Well in the art/clay/whatever world there is sort of this hierarchy of what one can make and still be seen as a reputable crafts person.  (Now in truth that is totally, complete bull sh*t,  but the perception is real).

So in the clay world that I've sort of set myself up in it's okay to make mugs, teapots, plates, jars, etc.  But not okay to make soap dispensers, apple bakers, Christmas ornaments, deviled egg plates (oh that one would KILL me!!), (really I can't stop laughing now).

Anyhow, it can get a bit tricky too.  For instance, I said it's okay in my circle (?) to make plates and teapots, but if I raku-ed them then I'd be ran out of town by Brandon and some others.

So I wonder if I made Christmas ornaments and fired them for 3 days in an anagama would that be okay?  Hum....could be.  Of course they would be priced at $100 each and I wouldn't sell any.   On the other hand if I raku-ed them then they would be worthless in the eyes of my peers but the public would eat them up!

As I see it there's room for everyone, and we should all feel comfortable to make whatever we want.  I do admit that I made these ornaments purely for financial gain.  Gasp!  I want an iPad dammit!  and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get one.   The funny thing is is that I took these ornaments to show this past weekend and didn't sell any (I gave my mom a few!)(yes, it was that sort of craft show).  So this whole thing may not work out for me and I should stick to working for hours on end decorating jars and platters with rabbits and flowers and stars and moons.  (At some point in the future we'll discuss why it's some how okay for me to put a rabbit on a pot).

Okay, enough of this.  If I get out to the studio right now I should be able to crank out a couple dozen deviled egg plates by the end of the day.  Look out Apple store, I'm on my way!!

Cup: The Intimate Object VII

Charlie Cummings has put together an outstanding exhibition of cups in Cup:  The Intimate Object VII.  I am honored to have been asked to this show.  It is live online now.  You can visit by clicking HERE.

Most of you know that I have this thing for cups.  They are my favorite pot to make.  I hope you'll have a look at the show and pass the link on to others who are passionate about this form.



Catching up

This week has crept by for me but I'm glad because I have had a lot to do and it looks like I'm going to be ending in a good place.  I've not felt terribly productive but as I look back on each day it seems I've gotten enough done and that things are moving forward.

The bisque kiln is filling up.  I have 10-12 more pots to decorate today and then I think I'll go ahead and fire it up.  I've made a bunch of cookie cutter ornaments for Christmas this year.  I'll give some as gifts and the rest will go to some hometown type shows and gift shops that I'm doing.

Sarah and I have been sleeping in all week. I don't think we've gotten up before 8am on any given day.  I guess it's the oncoming winter and cooler temps.  I do feel like I need to be rising earlier, but I'm not going to beat myself up about it right now.

Loupie is all snuggled into the cat bed this morning.

Karma would rather be playing ball than watching me write this blog post.

Scott Garrett is an illustrator and budding potter in East Sussex, England.  He sent me these two prints a while back and I finally got them matted and framed.  I really dig Scott's style and humor.  You can visit his blog HERE and Online Shop HERE.

Dead Ends by Scott Garrett

Fred by Scott Garrett

I found these two older pots in a box at the Arts Council.  It's neat to look back and see where I have been.

I'll be updating my Events page later and hopefully sending out an email Newsletter on Monday (so sign up to be on the mailing list if you haven't yet.  Over in the right sidebar)

I've been adding pots to the Online shop too.  Click HERE to go over and see what's there.  Thanks!!

Back in the Groove

I had a very good day in the studio!  I am feeling the push of  shows that are coming up and the need to get work to shops and galleries before the holiday rush begins.

I'd also like to have at least 100 pots in my Etsy shop before Thanksgiving.  That is going to be a challenge but maybe I can do it.

It was good to get into a making mode today and get some bowls and cups thrown.  If I can get ahead on those things then I can move on to more time consuming pots like regular and altered jars and maybe a teapot or two.

I am feeling really motivated right now even with the anxiety of the upcoming months.  I have had income from a couple of good shows as well as checks coming in from shops.  That certainly makes me feel good, esp. when they call and say they'd like more pots.  I want to keep pushing the work, the forms and decoration, as I go into the end of the year.

This hump molded trencher is a new shape that I'm excited about even though it's very simple and quick to make.  I've made four of these over the past few days and I am looking forward to drawing in them.  I want to make a slightly bigger version too.

So all in all things are good here.  I have to admit that I haven't been doing great disconnecting from the web.  It seems like that week at the beach threw me for a loop and when we got home I just fell back into my old habits.  I've been more intentional over the past two days so maybe I can get back into a more healthy routine.

Off now for a walk w. Karma.  Thanks for checking in!!

Opening at Maddi's Gallery

Last night I had my opening at Maddi's Gallery in Charlotte, N.C.  I had a very nice selection of work and the display looked great. (Thanks Celia for setting it up for me!)

It was great to meet some new folks and also see my friends who stopped by.

Maddi's debuted two pieces that I made especially for the gallery.  These were a bottle/vase and a tile with a crown and the word Charlotte on them.  For those of you who may not know, Charlotte is know as the 'Queen City'.  These two pieces make nice keepsakes for visitors and for residents.

My showroom is looking pretty bare and I have several more shows coming up.  Looks like I'll be busy making pots next week.

Digging. Not for Clay.

Yesterday my dad and I spent 6 hours digging up a water line between the house and the studio.  Several thousand gallons of water had been leaking over the past week or so.  Most of it had drained down the hill at the  back of the house and I had not noticed it.  We were notified by the water company of the high volume of water going through the meter so that tipped us off.

I knew there were several places where connections had been made in the line over the past years and one in particular where I thought the leak could be.  It turned out we dug in 5 place before finally finding the leak.   It's never where you think it is.

Anyhow the area is a big mess now and I've got to put the dirt back and then the pavers.  Sarah's flower beds got dug up so they will have to be remulched and some plants replaced.

I was glad that I had gotten up early to glaze my pots and the get kiln loaded and going before all this digging started.  I should be unloading later today so check back for new pics of pottery.

I am glad we were able to find the leak and fix it.  It would have cost several hundred dollars to have a plumber come out and do that work.  My father can do just about anything and I have learned so much from him from the time I was a child.  I'm thankful to have such a good father and for all that he has taught me.

Okay, well check in later, hopefully some new pots will be here.  Happy Friday everyone.


Hey there folks.  I've been working this week to get pots decorated for the ClayMatters Fall Pottery Sale.  The bisque is cooling right now so tomorrow will be a glazing day.

I didn't implement any of the wax deco this go around.  I'm going to move into it slowly and see how I like it.  I worked out doors all day yesterday, dust to the wind instead of on the studio floor.

I packed up a few Etsy orders today and also the pots that are going to the 20 x 20 Invitational at the Arts Center in Clemson SC.


So not too much to say or go into.  I am doing well and the work is moving forward, hopefully.  It seems like things started piling up about 2 weeks ago and I knew I needed to get on the ball or fall behind.  I did miss a deadline for an exhibition this week.  I never did buy a calendar this year so I have myself to blame for not making a note of it.

These 5 cups are heading out tomorrow to the Charlie Cummings Gallery for the Cup:  The Intimate Object exhibition.

I'm wondering if I should sent that Laundry Line mug or choose another carved mug. Hum?  They are going to be sold individually so it's probably okay to send it. Maybe, I'll go see what else I have.

Okay well thanks for reading.  I'll try and drop in another post tomorrow.

Necessity is a Mother. Or Not Killing Myself with Dust.

Hey!  I shot this video today to describe a little about how I'm trying to decrease the dust in my decorating process.  It seems like I am always running up against some obstacle, which is fine, as it leads to new ideas and ways of doing things.  Challenge is good, so are having good studio practices that decrease health hazards.

It's a big wonky since I wasn't used to being in front of the camera but you'll get the idea.


P.S.  A six count pack of those needles runs about $2.

Thrown Together Sale

Crikey, it's Wednesday already!  I've been meaning to blog for a couple days now to give you all an update on the Thrown Together Sale.  It went great.  Despite several rain showers, including a pretty heavy one, folks came out to see us and to buy pots.

Here are some pics, you can click for a bigger, more complete image.

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It was a great day for me as far as sales go.    I'm very thankful for that (and I'm pretty sure Sarah is too).  So now I'm back in the studio working on making pots for the Claymatters Fall Sale which is Oct. 8th.  It's going to be a short making period, mainly open dishes of various sizes.

I'll be blogging about some changes that I'm trying out in my deco. over the next few days.  I've got to get some materials mixed up and then I'll show you what I'm trying.  I am excited about it.

All for now.  Thanks for checking in!!

Rainy day but the pots are looking good.

It's been a monsoon here for the past two days.  I hope all this moves out before the weekend.

I've been kicking it in the studio since we got home from vacation.  I'll unload my second glaze kiln tomorrow.  I've got some really sweet pots coming out of the kiln.   I had to laugh out loud at some of the drawings on the cups when I unloaded the other day.  That's pretty cool, getting a response from the work like that.

The pots I used to make in the salt kiln were more subtle and quiet, these drawn on pots are direct and often elicit responses from people as soon as they pick them up.  I know I've heard (and probably preached) that pots that tell it all right up front may loose their appeal quickly.  I don't think that is necessarily always the case.  I have found that I enjoy these pots day in and day out.  Hell, I even talk to them sometimes.  And they make me feel good.  The forms have a good bit to offer too and may be the part of these pots are more subtle and casual.  Whatever the case, I am happy with them and at the same time I want them to keep getting better.  I want to keep asking more of them and see where it takes me and the work.  A good place to be.

I'm listing some new pots in the Online Shop today.

Quick Sunday Post

Hi, I hope everyone had a good weekend.  I got my pots glazed today and the kiln is headed towards 04.

While I was away a pot of mine was featured on Shady Grove Sundries: Clay of the Day.  You can see the post HERE.  Thanks Licia!

No pottery photos today so here's a pic of me and Karma on the beach.

Tomorrow...more pots to draw on.  Check back in for some up to date images.  Thanks!

I Made It

Sarah and I had a great time on vacation down in Surfside Beach, SC. It took me 2 days before I really felt relaxed.   We hung out on the beach quite a bit and took some fun trips into town to play and eat and drink beer.

We took Karma with us.  It was the first time we've ever taken her on a trip and she did great the whole time.

Sarah has been working so much this year and we didn't get a vacation last year so she was really itching to get to the beach.  I think she had a good time, I'm sure she wouldn't have minded a few more days.

Tomorrow I have those pots to glaze and more to decorate for the upcoming Thrown Together Sale this Saturday in Charlotte.  More later.