First Monday 2011

Hello folks.  I have been under the weather for several days now but thought it would be good to get online and touch base here on the ole blog.

I want to thank everyone for continuing to come around and read what I put up here.  It's going on 6 years now that I've been blogging.  Hopefully I can come up with some fresh material in 2011.

Twenty-ten was a really good year for me and my work.  I'm so grateful to be able to make pots and have a job that I love doing. I've also been blessed with a loving wife, a great family, a nice place to live, food and clothing and many friends.  I don't take any of that for granted.

Sarah had a severe sinus infection all last week and I came down with bronchitis and high fever.  Sarah is almost back to normal and I went to the doctor yesterday so I should be up and going in 3 days or so.  I rarely get sick (knock on wood) so when I come down with something it really makes me see how good it is to be well.

As far as Pots go, my Year of the Rabbit Ware is ready to be decorated.  I plan to get that done this week and get everything fired.  I plan to have those pots in the Online Shop by January 2oth.

I'm also going to make a few special pots for Valentine's Day.  These may go up around the same time as the Year of the Rabbit pots.

Well that's all for now.

Peace and Happiness to you all in 2011.