
Getting the Bisque In

I finally got enough pots decorated to load a full bisque.  Good grief I feel like it's taken me all week.  I have to say I haven't been putting in full days so I can't complain.  It will be nice to get this load fired, glazed and fired again.  Many of these pots are going to the Lillstreet Gallery in Chicago.

The last pot I worked on today was this 12.5 " shallow dish.  I got the design penciled in yesterday.  I timed how long it took me to do the 'scratching'.  Any guesses??

Time for a bit of Tai Chi practice (I started a 6 week course last week) and then homemade pizza for supper!!

Saturday's work

This is where I left things for today. Some finished some half finished.  I am having a slow time working in the designs that I want.  It's just a learning curve.  I'm glad I have the pencil to use otherwise I'd seriously be ruining some pots.

Six Seven of the twelve  Year of the Rabbit pots have sold including the two most detailed dishes.  I'm so happy with that!  When I set this project for myself I wasn't sure what the pots would look like.  As I worked on the designs I found some new ideas and I was very excited to see them on the pots.  I am speaking mostly of the more detailed and complex images.  Working on these and seeing them finished pushed me to do more decorating in that way.  So it moved things forward.  Good eh? Yep.

I wonder where this is going, and I'm not trying to judge it or worry about it at all.  I think the past 2 or 3 years have taught me to go with what I enjoy and what I like.  It's been challenging at times to let some of my past ideas about what I should be doing go.  It's very freeing.

Well that's all for now.  Thanks for stopping in.

Technical Page

I often get emails asking me questions about my slip or glaze or how I do something or another.  I don't mind these emails but to make things a bit easier on myself I have added a Technical Page to the blog. (The link is over in the right sidebar).

For many years after I started making pots I got so much help from other potters who were willing to share their slip and glaze recipes with me.  I would often write them a letter or sometimes just call out of the blue to ask for a recipe or help of some sort.  I remember Suze Lindsey sending me some recipes once.  I still have a small square of yellow paper that she wrote me the information on in my glaze recipe file.

I also called Scott Schafer up out of the blue one day.   He had had some pots published in CM in a Goldart ad.  They were these beautiful salt glazed pots.  I called him to ask for his clay body recipe.  He answered the phone and I asked, "Is this Scott?".  He replied in an irritated voice, "Yes, and I don't have time to talk right now! What do you want?"   I was taken aback but said that I was a potter from NC and I wondered if he'd talk to me about his clay.  His tone changed and he told me he thought I was a telemarketer.  He said he was busy with a customer but to call back in a half hour and he'd happy to help me.  I called him back and he was very nice and gave me the recipe for his clay body.  I have it written down on the Goldart ad where his pots were featured.

I am happy to share what I know.  I only ask that if you use any of my information that at some point you help someone too.  Tom Gray told me this same thing many years ago.  Tom has helped me more than anyone else and he told me, Someday it will be your turn to help someone or pass along information and encouragement.

A few years ago I emailed a potter who I barely knew asking for some information on a certain technique.  I got a very nice reply from the potter telling me that she couldn't tell me exactly what she did.  She had been ripped off more than once and was guarded now in what she shared.  I understood and did not push.  I respected her decision and the reason behind it.  It did put me on my guard a bit.  It was the first time I'd been told 'no'.  Now days I feel like some folks are a bit more reluctant to give out info. and that has made me a little skiddish to ask.

I like to put forth some efforts before I just go out and ask someone for something.  I want them to know I've at least tried.  I hate mixing and testing glazes but I try to find out what's working and what's not before I just up and ask for help.  In the past I had folks give me some sure fire recipes that got me off the ground.  I'm grateful for that, I did spend a lot of time and money at one point trying to come up with some cone 3 single fire glazes.  They were all pretty bad and I moved on to cone 8.

Well that's a bit of a long-ish post.  Check out my Tech. Page over there.  I have included some info on my photo set up as well as what I like to listen to in the studio and which teas I prefer when working.

Doug Fitch and Hannah McAndrew Workshop

Many of you know Doug and Hannah from their blogs.  I met them both here on the internet some 5 or so years ago.

I'm happy to announce that they will both be coming to the US in April, 2011!!!

Jugs made by Hannah McAndrew

I have planned a one day demonstration workshop for them here in Shelby, NC.

The date is April 23rd, 2011.  The workshop will be held at the Cleveland County Arts Council in historic downtown Shelby.

If you are interested in receiving information on this workshop please send an email to

ronpots2 <at> yahoo <dot> com

with Workshop in the Subject line.  As soon as I get my registration forms together I will send them out to you.  (Hopefully in the next week or so).

Jug by Doug Fitch

Cost will $85 per person for the workshop.

This is a great chance to meet Hannah and Doug and see them make and decorate their pots right in front of your eyes.  It should be a really fun day.  I can't wait for them to get here!!

If you'd like to learn more about Doug Fitch visit these sites:



For more on Hannah:

Click HERE for website or HERE for Hannah's blog

or HERE for her online Store.

Let me know if you belong to a guild or group of potters who would like to receive information on this workshop.  Tell your potter friends too.  Thanks!!!

Making Just a Few

I got back on the wheel yesterday for the first time in a couple weeks.  I have an order for some cups and tankards so I decided to knock those out.  It was quiet and relaxing in the studio and I think my mind was relaxed knowing that all the rush for the year is over.

I also made a jar just for the fun of it.  It's a bit of a Janet Mansfield shape.  I love Janet's woodfired, saltglazed pots.  I especially like the ones that have really got salted and look as though the surface has melted a bit in the kiln.

To continue my Love of  Socks theme I posted this mug in my online shop this morning.

Decoration Day and Loading the Bisque

I had a great day decorating pots.  I am getting ready for my Holiday Sale and the Hen House Sale.

Here is a pic I took when I was getting started this morning.

And a bit of video as I was finishing up.


I have several boards of plates to go as well as mugs.  Those will be in the next bisque along with those platters.  Okay off for now.  Be sure to check out the Online Store if you haven't in a few days.  There is some nice work on there.

Hope everyone has a good Friday evening.

Clary Illian Jar

UPS arrived this morning bringing the jar I bought from the Clary Illian exhibit at Akar last month.

I LOVE it!!!  Clary is Amazing and she has switched to earthenware in last few years.  We have several of her stoneware pots and soda fired pots but this is the first piece of her earthenware we have.  I really like how she is leaving much of the clay bare and unglazed.   The knob is classic Clary.  It's a great jar.  I'll be filling it with cookies soon.
Clary Illian Jar.   8.25 x 11.75"

I had also ordered some supplies from Bailey Ceramics.  Among them was this cool glaze ladle.  I'll be putting it to use soon.

Pottery Weekend

There are quite a few pottery events happening this weekend.

I'll be at the ClayMatters Pottery Guild Fall Sale on Saturday Oct 9th from 10 am till 4pm.  8300 Monroe Road Charlotte NC.  You've seen most of the pots that have came out of the kiln lately here on the blog.  Come by tomorrow and see them in person.  I'll have tee shirts too!

Ayumi Horie is having her annual fall Sale this weekend in Cottekill, NY.  Her guest is Kristen Kieffer.  If you are in that area then that's an event not to be missed.

Also the Spruce Pine Potters Market will feature many of my pals from that NC mountain region.

Try to get out and support your local potters this weekend.

Announcement Friday

I've sort of fallen behind on announcing some things here, so I'm gonna try and catch up all at once.

My Fall Home Sale is Sept. 18th from 10 am till 4 pm here at the Pottery.  To receive a notice be sure to sign up for my mailing list over in the right side bar.  I'm going to have lots of new work including the money boxes and tall footed bowls.  All first quality work will be 15% off that day only at the studio.

If you haven't heard, my pal Michael Kline is having an online sale today! Click HERE for more and get over there and buy some pots!

Thanks to everyone who participated in my contest for the pottery group name.  We are now officially know as Thrown Together and will be having our Fall Sale on Oct. 2, 2010 at Amy Sander's home in Charlotte, NC.  More details to follow but put it on your calendars now.  Hopefully we'll have a blogspot and FB page soon.  Our guests this fall will be Kyle Carpenter and Allison McGowan.

Ayumi Horie is still taking votes for your favorite pot in action photo over at her website.  To see the images click HERE and you could help me win by voting for my photo!!! (see image below, vote for me!!!)

The opening reception for the  exhibition From Within to the Surface is Sept. 7th at the Randolph Arts Guild in Asheboro, NC from 5:30 till 7:30. I will be there so please come out if you are in the area.

And don't forget The Clay and Blogs Online Gallery is up and running.  Click the image below to check it out.  I have a Chicken Money Box for sale.  You could be the first to have one!!!

Okay that's all I can think of for now.  Thanks for checking in and remember to sign up for my mailing list over in the right side bar and also go and vote for my Pot in Action HERE!!!

Back from the Workshop

I had an absolutely fantastic time giving a weekend workshop for The Potter's Exchange group in Freemansburg, PA.

I demo'ed making my work from start throughout the drawing stage and we also did some idea generation/creativity exercises together.  I really enjoyed meeting all the participants.  Everyone took part in the exercises and shared, it was such a good group to be with for two days.

Pots drying in the sun.

Powdered doughnut display exercise.

Drawing on Tiles exercise.

This group is an excellent model of how we as potters/ceramic artists can get together to share ideas, learn from one another and host events. I want to share their 'mission statement' here:

"The Potter's Exchange" is a group of clay artists who meet on a regular basis to share clay related information, ideas, and experiences in the Lehigh Valley eastern PA.
We believe that each individual whether just starting out or professional has something unique to offer to the group. Therefore, we take turns being both teachers and students, and we are mutually supportive of one another. We also take turns hosting and organizing events which vary and focus on different aspects of clay making from outdoor pit and raku firings to glaze theory seminars and museum tours. In addition, we are able to cut costs for the individual potter by bulk ordering glaze materials, clay, books and tools.
Further, we seek to benefit from meeting with guest artists and by hosting workshops in the ceramic arts.

I'll share some more images and thoughts later, for now it's time to settle in to being home and get some clothes washed.  Thanks again to The Potter's Exchange for having me as their guest this past weekend.

Morning Tea with Lisa Hammond

I'm having my tea in this mug made by Lisa Hammond. Soda glazed stoneware.  If I could go work with Lisa for 6 months I'd be in heaven.

Lisa's new website is still under construction but you can visit it HERE.

For more pots Click Here.

I'm heading up to Allentown, Pa on Friday to teach a workshop over the weekend.  I'll be spending the rest of this week getting ready for that so little or no potting.  I'll be catching up on my blog reading though and hopefully getting in a post or two.

Thanks for all the comments on the hats. That was fun.

What a Great Day.

This morning I drove up to Penland after having made plans earlier in the week to meet up with San Francisco ceramic artist Diana Fayt.  Diana is spending a few days in NC between teaching workshops at Mudfire Studios in Georgia.

(Ron, Diana, Michael, and Lillian)

I've known Diana via the internet for a few years and I was delighted to get to sit down with her today and chat about pots and all sort of other things.  Michael Kline was there for the day too and we three knocked around Penland School for several hours, having lunch and visiting the Gallery during a super heavy downpour.

Diana makes amazing work and I've always been in awe of her etchings on her pots.  Of course with Michael and I both around we had to talk about blogging and selling online and all that techie stuff.  Diana busted out her i-Phone a few times to show us some cool photo apps and to record the rain falling.

We headed over to Crimson Laurel around 5pm to look at all the amazing pots in the gallery there.  I then had to head back down the mountain in time to cook dinner and get some pots glazed and into the kiln.

A bit more on all this tomorrow.  Now it's time for me to hit the sack.